而我也沒有像李阿宏一樣是個純種嘻哈控,只是對此類音樂並不排斥(我男朋友這時候會說,''這不是音樂好嗎?!!!'')。Au tout cas, 我也滿受不了太吵,太激烈或歌詞太沒營養的饒舌歌,但自從暑假聽了蛋堡以後顛覆了我對饒舌歌曲的刻板印象。就像他的名子''soft lipa'',蛋堡的歌總是很soft,很smooth,有點Jazz有點都會,聽起來很舒服,沒甚麼負擔。重點歌詞跟其它太情色太批判的rapper比起來好太多了,有些寫得真是切中我心令人不禁噗嗤一笑。
This video is actually not that bad, since taiwanese hip hop are no where near the american ones...i like the background melody, it's much softer. Ah i still cant stand american rap, they're so annoying.
回覆刪除This video is actually not that bad, since taiwanese hip hop are no where near the american ones...i like the background melody, it's much softer.
回覆刪除Ah i still cant stand american rap, they're so annoying.
I like the background melody,too.
回覆刪除so what kind of music do you listen now?
um..i dont listen to music anymore
回覆刪除no time at all :(
can't wait to see you!